Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure 73 (2020)

Cahiers Ferdinand de Saussure. Volume 73 (2020), édité par Anne-Gaëlle TOUTAIN, Genève, Librairie Droz, 2021, 384 pages, 23 illustrations noir et blanc, ISSN : 0068-516X, ISBN-13 : 978-2-600-06339-5, € 50,00 / CHF 61.50
Date de première publication : 01 Décembre 2021
Voir la notice de l’Éditeur.
Ce numéro en version numérique :

Table des matièresCahiers Ferdinand de Saussure (Cover)

I Éditorial

À nos lecteurs (A.-G. TOUTAIN)

II Articles

Claudia MEJÍA QUIJANO, Délimitation pour la science des signes
Grazia BASILE, Lieux d’émergence de la réflexivité linguistique chez Ferdinand de Saussure
Alexandre Sales Macedo BARBOSA, Y a-t-il une perspective sémiologique chez Whitney? Notes sur la lecture saussurienne de Whitney
Silvia PICCINI, Termes et théories de Ferdinand de Saussure dans le Manuel d’accentuation grecque de Bally
Xiaoliang LUO, Pour une approche critique de la traduction de Saussure en Chine: la restitution du concept de valeur dans le Cours
Jacopo D’ALONZO, La fonction symbolique chez Trần Đức Thảo
Anne-Gaëlle TOUTAIN, L’hétérogénéité du langage : enjeux de la neurolinguistique
Alain MANIER, Comment la théorie saussurienne de la langue permet de résoudre le problème de l’étiologie de la psychose, de sa clinique et de sa prévention

III Résumés de thèses

Micaela Pafume COELHO, Ferdinand de Saussure entre la langue et les langues
Silvia FRIGENI, L’homme de Benveniste : linguistique, anthropologie et sociologie dans le débat français de la deuxième partie du XXe siècle

IV Documents

Paola VILLANI, Saussure al Kaiserlich Deutsches Archeologisches Institut di Roma (1906). Ancora sull’iscrizione del cippo del foro
Pierre-Yves TESTENOIRE, Les manuscrits de Ferdinand de Saussure déposés à la Bibliothèque de Genève en 2019

V In Memoriam

Jacques COURSIL (1938-2020) (Sémir Badir)
Peter WUNDERLI (1938-2019) (Daniele Gambarara)

VI Lectures critiques

Jacqueline AUTHIER-REVUZ, La Représentation du discours autre. Principes pour une description, Boston/Berlin, De Gruyter, 2020, par Rudolf MAHRER
Raffaele SIMONE, Il sofware del linguaggio, Milano, Raffaello Cortina Editore, 2020, par Francesco LA MANTIA

VII Comptes rendus

Eugenio COSERIU, Introduction à la linguistique, Limoges, Lambert-Lucas, (« Classiques des sciences du langage » ; traduit de l’espagnol par Xavier Perret), 2018 (E. Bulea-Bronckart)
Gilles-Marc et Irina FOUGERON, Iz pjerjepiski S.I. Kartsjevskogo [De la correspondance de S. Karcevski], collection Trudy Instituta russkogo jazyka imeni Vinogradova RAN 17 [Actes de l’Institut de langue russe Vinogradov, 17], 2018 (V. Chepiga)
John E. JOSEPH, Language, Mind and Body: A Conceptual History, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2018 (E. Velmezova)
Giuseppe D’OTTAVI et Irène FENOGLIO (dir.), Émile Benveniste 50 ans après les Problèmes de linguistique générale, Paris, Éditions Rue d’Ulm/Presses de l’École normale supérieure, 2017 / Giovanni MANETTI et Irène FENOGLIO (dir.), Benveniste. L’enunciazione, la soggettività, il tempo e il confronto con altri autori, « Blityri. Studi di storia delle idee sui segni e le lingue » vol. VII, n. 2, 2018, Pisa, Edizioni ETS, 2019 (G. Cosenza)
Mario LUCIDI, L’equivoco de l’arbitraire du signe. L’iposema, introduzione e cura di M. SERVILIO, Lecce, Pensa Multimedia, 2019 (E. Fadda)
Laura SANTONE (éd.), Linguistique et littérature, Studi italiani di linguistica teorica et applicata XLVIII, 2, Roma, Pacini editore, 2019 (S. Bédouret-Larraburu)
Loïc DEPECKER, Saussure tel qu’en lui-même. D’après les manuscrits, Paris, Honoré Champion, 2020 (A.-G. Toutain)

VIII Bibliographie saussurienne

Daniele GAMBARARA, avec la collaboration de Giuseppe D’OTTAVI et Pierre-Yves TESTENOIRE, Publications autour de Ferdinand de Saussure, 2015-2020

IX Chroniques du Cercle

Chronique du Cercle pour les années 2020-2021


Claudia MEJÍA QUIJANO (Universidad de Antioquia) Délimitation pour la science des signes
Abstract: In this paper, we first try to understand how Saussure, in order to write his ideas on language, switches from an argumentative form to an entirely opposite one: he passes from the form found in the Science of Language to the disjointed form of the Item Notes. By pointing out some of the content differences between these two attempts at writing, the Item Notes are then detached from the Science of Language project and related to the Semiology introduction. As a final point, organising the links between the different research projects of this period grants a reconstruction of the theoretical path followed by Saussure between 1891 and 1911. This path reveals how central for Saussure’s thought was the semiological change, which turns out to be the originality basis of his linguistic proposals.
Keywords: semiology, manuscripts, dating, reconstruction.
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Grazia BASILE (University of Salerno), Lieux d’émergence de la réflexivité linguistique chez Ferdinand de Saussure
Abstract: The aim of this essay is to draw up a survey of the ways in which Ferdinand de Saussure deals with the notion (more or less conscious) of linguistic reflexiveness on the part of the speaking subject. It is a theme that does not have a specific collocation: however, the places where it occurs throughout Saussurian work (regarding the notion of identity and linguistic reality associated with the dichotomy concrete/abstract, the notion of analogy, that of associative relationship, folk etymology, subjective vs objective analysis, etc.) not only reveal Saussure’s attention to what we now call reflexiveness, but are of central theoretical importance. This is indeed a theme that – in our opinion – serves to better clarify the nature and the contribution of the Saussurian theorisation regarding the complexity of the linguistic system.
Keywords: Reflexiveness, Metalinguistics, Speaking subject, Linguistic feeling, Consciousness.
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Alexandre Sales Macedo BARBOSA (Universidade Federal de Alagoas) Y a-t-il une perspective sémiologique chez Whitney? Notes sur la lecture saussurienne de Whitney
Abstract: In the notes for the paper on Whitney, Saussure mentions the American linguist and his book Life and Growth of Language as having conceived language as a particular case of the sign. Knowing the significance of this idea for the Genevan’s semiological conception of language, we, in this article, investigate in what measure one can effectively talk about a semiological perspective in Whitney. From the similarities and differences between these two authors, we see how what Whitney affirms is utilized by Saussure to build his semiology in an original manner.
Keywords: Whitney, Semiotics, Sign system, Form and substance, Hjelmslev.
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Silvia PICCINI (Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale « A. Zampolli ») Termes et théories de Ferdinand de Saussure dans le Manuel d’accentuation grecque de Bally
Abstract: In 1945 Charles Bally published his last work, the Manuel d’accentuation grecque. In this small handbook of almost 130 pages, the laws and the principles governing the accent in Greek are described in a clear and innovative way, through the introduction of new categories and new terms. This article aims at demonstrating that the original approach used by Bally in his handbook was strongly influenced by the ideas that Saussure elaborated during his Course of Lithuanian held at the University of Geneva in 1901-1902.
Keywords: Charles Bally, Manuel d’accentuation grecque, Greek accent, Lithuanian accent, Saussure’s Course of Lithuanian, acrotonic accent, mesotonic accent.
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Xiaoliang LUO (Université d’Orléans) Pour une approche critique de la traduction de Saussure en Chine: la restitution du concept de valeur dans le Cours
Abstract: Saussure’s Course has three Chinese versions, two of them translated from French and one from Wade Baskin’s English version. Previous critics on the Chinese versions mainly focus on terminology and stylistic. In this paper I propose to analyze the passage of p. 155-169 of the Course, a coherent part on the concept of value in which Saussure borrows a series of terms from mathematics, which the translators did not grasp. By this analysis I will show how the misunderstanding of one term can lead to a series of translation problems.
Keywords: translation, value, positive, negative, term.
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Jacopo D’ALONZO (Sapienza – Università di Roma) La fonction symbolique chez Trần Đức Thảo
Abstract: The following study will discuss the notion of symbolic function in Trần Đức Thảo’s (1917-1993) Phenomenology and Dialectical Materialism (1951). According to the author, the symbolic function is an important step in the evolution of animal consciousness: the lived experience of the organism is no longer felt in the internal flow of consciousness, but rather is communicated to others by the behavior. After briefly describing how the symbolic function results from a particular physiological mechanism of outlined actions and nervous sketches, we will deal with the semiotic structure of symbols: the repressed sketched act becomes the expression of the outline of the whole uncompleted behavior that has been inhibited at the level of the nervous system (which Trần Đức Thảo calls “meaning”). This work also interprets Trần Đức Thảo’s semiology in the context of the scientific and philosophical debates of the 1930s and 1940s.
Keywords: Trần Đức Thảo, Symbolic Function, Language Origins, Phenomenology, Marxism.
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Anne-Gaëlle TOUTAIN (Université de Berne) L’hétérogénéité du langage : enjeux de la neurolinguistique
Abstract: This article proposes an epistemological analysis of the organicism of cognitive neurosciences in the form given to them by the work of Jean-Pierre Changeux and Stanislas Dehaene. We show first of all that the latter implies a maintenance of the dualism that he would like to put an end to. We then insist on the importance of the Saussurean theorization of language for neurolinguistics. This theorization allows a theoretical elaboration of the heterogeneity of language, and thus a break with the empiricism of dualism, of which the distinction between the humanities and the hard sciences, as understood by the reductionists, can be considered as an avatar.
Keywords: cognitive neurosciences, epistemology, dualism, organicism, value.
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Alain MANIER Comment la théorie saussurienne de la langue permet de résoudre le problème de l’étiologie de la psychose, de sa clinique et de sa prévention
Abstract: The main focus of this paper is to demonstrate that the articulation between thought and sound can only happen with the interaction of the “Other”, defined as a speaking other. Considering Saussure’s theory of the language and its heterogeneity of origin – as opposed to the thought – this thought-sound articulation appears essential to the proper acquisition of the language. In the absence of a speaking other, and as early as eight months of age, a dysfunctional thought-sound articulation can be engraved as a psychic structure : the psychosis. This etiology establishes the foundation of a comprehensive clinical approach of psychosis and an effective strategy to prevent its emergence.
Keywords: language heterogeneity, thought-sound articulation, registration of the failure, psychosis as language destiny.
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Micaela Pafume COELHO (Instituto Federal de Mato Grosso) Ferdinand de Saussure entre la langue et les langues
Abstract: This work is guided by the hypothesis that language, as the object of study of linguistics, cannot be completely formalized. With the reception of the CLG in various parts of the world throughout the twentieth century, some criticisms about this concept were established, many of which were based on the consideration of language strictly as a formal object that moves away from empirical and social phenomena. Nevertheless, it is possible to note that the delimitation of language is not unrelated to socially instituted facts.
Keywords: language, languages, formal object, empirical object.
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Silvia FRIGENI (Sapienza-Università di Roma) L’homme de Benveniste : linguistique, anthropologie et sociologie dans le débat français de la deuxième partie du XXe siècle
Abstract: The thesis aims at investigating the linguistics of Émile Benveniste with a focus on its anthropological attitude, intended as an approach interrelating speaking subject, language and society. The topic is primarily dealt with by analyzing Benveniste’s historical linguistics works. What we try to do here is to highlight the link between the writings in general linguistics (as found in Problèmes de linguistique générale, 1966) and his technical studies on single and specific languages. In our view, such a link grounds the elaboration of the notion of enunciation, one of Benveniste’s most celebrated insights. Moreover, we argue that a wide anthropological outlook is actually what makes Benveniste’s heterogenous body of work cohesive and consistent, in that it allows us to establish a connection between the varied and recurrent themes and problems he addressed throughout his career.
Keywords: Émile Benveniste, anthropology, sociology, historical linguistics, general linguistics, enunciation. Retour à la Table des matières

Paola VILLANI, Saussure al Kaiserlich Deutsches Archeologisches Institut di Roma (1906). Ancora sull’iscrizione del cippo del foro
Abstract: The article is about Ferdinand de Saussure’s participation to a meeting of the KDAI (Kaiserlich Deutsches Archeologisches Institut) on 12th January 1906 and his interest in the archaic inscription on the cippus from the Lapis Niger in the Roman Forum. Thanks to a list of signatures of the participants to the meeting, it was possible to retrieve information about who Ferdinand de Saussure’s possible contacts in Rome were. The article also discusses Luigi Ceci, who first read and interpreted the inscription on the cippus, and reflects on his role in creating a school of linguistics in Rome, inspired by Saussure’s teaching.
Keywords: KDAI, inscription, cippus in the Roman Forum, Luigi Ceci, school of linguistics in Rome.
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